
  1. Contact us to check availability.
  2. Fill out Reservation Request Form:
  3. Pay Deposit NT$10,000 for each unit to secure your booking. We accept PayPal secure payment, T/T, Western Union, or ATM domestic transfer. Click Here for Payment Instructions
  4. Pay Full Amount of Rent by Taiwanese Dollar cash when check in. Guest may also choose to wire transfer or paypal the rent prior to the arrival.
    • Currency exchanger:  There are several banks locate inside Taoyuang International Airport that open 24 hours & 7days a week throughout the year. These banks offer competitive rates (no over-charged rated). Fee for each transaction is only NT$100. It is recommend that travellers get money exchanged at the airport. 
    • For any leasing over 3 months: Tenant may choose to pay rent on monthly basis starting from the first day of contract cycle and place 1 month's rent as the security deposit.
  5. Deposit will be refunded on check out day after the property is being returned in original conditions without damage or breakage on furniture, decorations, and facilities.
  6. Deposit is non-refundable if guest cancel the reservation for any reason or no-show. Once a booking is made and deposit is received, we cannot accept shorten days.
 Tenant Policy
  • All rent is all inclusive of utilities, gas, electricity (with limited free allowance*), Internet, cabled TV, service charges & tax and management due.
  • Gambling, rowdy parties, drugs and all other activities violate the Law of Taiwan are strictly prohibited in the apartment for any reason.
  • Some apartments and studio cannot accept children under age of five.
  • No smoking and no pets are allowed in the apartment. A fine of NT$10,000 will be charged at check-out if guests violate this policy.
  • *Electricity Allowance: For green saving, we control the electricity usage by provide free electricity allowance (sufficient for normal usage with air-conditioner on; allowance depends on the room size). Electricity meter reading exceeds will be charged NT$5 per kWh

  1. 請先確認您的租期及欲承租的物件有空房
  2. 確定訂房後請先上網填寫申請表:
  3. 需先支付訂金新台幣$10,000元,才能保留您的套房或公寓. 我們接受: ATM,  PayPal, T/T ,  Western Union 等付款方式.  詳細說明請參考申請表內資訊。
  4. 入住後, 原繳 NT$10,000元訂金將自動轉成押金,押金於退租時確認房屋原況歸還無損壞或物品遺失,當場退還 。
  5. 入住當天需付清租金全額,僅接受新台幣現金  
    • 兌換台幣:  桃園國際機場設有兩家銀行24小時全年無休, 提供旅客同等質公告匯率的外幣兌換 每筆兌換手續費僅新台幣一百元 詳細請參閱 機場外幣兌換銀行地圖匯率等相關資訊) 。
    • 三個月以上租期:  可以月繳方式繳納租金. 但需押 一個月租金 作為擔保押金,租金於每月的租約起始日當天給付。
  6. 繳訂金後 ,不接受無故取消 或無故減少租期。
  1. 租金已含 水費、瓦斯、電費 (提供免費額度*) 、第四台、 網路 、管理費、 垃圾清潔費、稅費。
  2. 禁止賭博、吸毒、派對、喧嘩。
  3. 部分公寓因安全考量無法接受五歲下孩童入住 。
  4. 屋內嚴禁吸煙、禁止寵物進入,違反規定將罰款 NT$3,000。  
  5. *用電額度:  我們每日提供有限額的免費電費使用額度,如有超過每度新台幣$5元計算,用電額度請參考各房型介紹。